Maternal Bonding

Character monologue

OMG, right in front of the whole school, my mother pulled up and started yelling to me that we need to go to JC Penny, like I would EVER go there.  I was SO embarrassed.  Everyone was looking at me.  We got to the mall, it seemed like everyone I know decided to come and see my embarrassment.  First we went to Pennys to get me some new bras and she buys the same bras for herself.  Said that we could be sisters.  As if!  Totally bent.  Then she decided that it’s been too long since we’ve rode the carousal and bought us two tickets.  I refused to get on.  I have my limits.  She rode the biggest horse and every time she came around she waved and shouted at me.   She was buggin, why can’t she be easy?  Everyone was staring at me.  I just wanted to off myself right here.  Then if this wasn’t bad enough, she decided to have dinner in the food court. The food court!  There was Jen, Sue, and even my BFF Trisha, all staring at us as we ate this lame pad tay, or whatever it is.  And then Jake sat at the table next to us, he is so dope.  And she started interrogating me about him like he might be a terrorist, right in front of him and I was like “why are you all up in my biznezz?”  Jake totally heard the whole thing.   I am so hosed.  I will never go to school again.

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